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SISD COVID Updates and Back-to-School Plan
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Parents of Sidney ISD,

The health and safety of our school community is of utmost importance as Sidney ISD continues to closely monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We are following the guidance from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Texas Education Agency, and local government and health officials. This page will be kept up to date with the latest information regarding COVID-19's effect on Sidney ISD. 

Back-to-School Plan for 2020-21

Sidney ISD's  Back-to-School Plan for the upcoming school year can be viewed and downloaded below.

As you know, community health data is quickly changing and we are constantly monitoring it. Details can be found here as soon as information becomes available and decisions are made.




August 13, 2020 Posting

Education Rights and Responsibilities During COVID English   Spanish


August 7, 2020 Update/Posting

Sidney ISD's Back to School Plan is available and subject to change. 


July 2, 2020 Update:

Due to the recommendation released by the University Interscholastic League (UIL) on July 1st, Sidney ISD is temporarily suspending all athletic workouts and practices until Monday, July 13th. 


June 25, 2020 Update:

The COVID-19 situation is rapidly changing, although we are unable to provide more information for reopening schools in the fall at this time, there is hope to be able to provide that information in the near future. There is a framework of requirements, provided by the Texas Education Agency, that must be met for students to be counted present for daily attendance during remote instruction.

Once we receive further guidance from the Texas Education Agency, the administration is committed to create and share a plan for the fall, which will include feedback from our parent and staff survey. As always, Sidney ISD continues to strongly emphasis the health, safety, and well-being of our staff and students.


Parent Survey 


May 13, 2020 Update: End of year return and 2020 Graduation information

Please drop off all school property and equipment including Chromebooks, chargers, calculators, textbooks, athletic gear, etc anytime between 8-3pm May 19-21st

Please see below for more information on Sidney ISD 2020 Graduation



April 17, 2020  Update: Campus Closure

Due to the governors executive order, Sidney ISD campus will remain closed for the 2019-2020 school year. Educational instruction will continue to be delivered.



March 31, 2020 Update: 

Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, Sidney ISD will extend the suspension of normal district operations through Monday, May 4th as ordered by Governor Abbott in an effort to slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19. Sidney ISD will continue to deliver instruction during this time.This is a quickly changing situation, and we will continue on a daily basis to monitor information. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we ensure that all stay safe and healthy.
Click here for more information



March 18, 2020 Update

Given the rapidly evolving situation with COVID-19, Sidney ISD will extend the suspension of normal district operations through Friday, April 3 rd in an effort to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. Sidney ISD will continue to deliver instruction during this time. We are coordinating with other school districts in the county and state and will use the week of March 30th to make any decisions on whether there is a need to extend the suspension further.

Our Mission

Our missions at SISD is to provide a high quality education for all students within a safe and secure learning environment in order to prepare students for a lifetime of learning and developing necessary skills through vigorous instruction that challenges each student to become successful and responsible global citizens.


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